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The pelvic floor is the muscular “hammock” that carries the weight of the viscera located in the pelvis. If these muscles become too loose or too tight, an individual may experience urinary (or fecal) urgency or incontinence, sexual dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse, as well as pain in the pelvic region and even in the lower [..]
Approximately 36 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches. Current pharmacological treatments are not very effective and they may have dangerous side effects (1). Migraines are the second most prevalent neurologic disorder (after tension-type headaches), with a female-to-male ratio of 3:1 and an estimated 1-year prevalence of approximately 15% in the general population (2).
The total [..]
While neck pain is one of the most common reasons patients seek chiropractic care, the underlying cause of neck pain can vary. In some patients, the cause may be unknown or it may be the accumulation of years of poor posture, bad ergonomics, and an unhealthy lifestyle. In other patients, such as those who experienced [..]
Migraines are characterized by recurrent headache and a hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli that can trigger an episode. Unfortunately, migraine triggers can vary from patient to patient, which can make understanding and managing the patient’s condition a difficult proposition for both the patient and their doctor.
In one study, researchers reviewed data from surveys, patient diaries, [..]
When it comes to the conservative management of a condition like carpal tunnel syndrome, care will usually focus on reducing inflammation along the course of the carpal tunnel and improving mobility of the median nerve as it travels from the neck and into the hand. This treatment approach may also include the use of nutritional [..]
When examining a patient for hip pain and other musculoskeletal conditions, doctors of chiropractic will expand their focus beyond the area of chief complaint to identify issues elsewhere in the body that may be underlying or contributing factors. This is especially true with the hip because anything that affects normal locomotion can lead to compensatory [..]
It’s estimated that cardiometabolic diseases are a significant source of lost years with respect to both a reduced lifespan and fewer years without disability. Despite medical advances, it’s unlikely there will be a pill developed anytime soon that can dramatically reduce the risk for obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, and it’s incumbent on us as [..]
For the older adult, pain that radiates into the leg is a common complaint. This process, called neurogenic claudication, occurs when the spinal cord and/or nerve roots are pinched as they exit the arthritic spine (a condition called spinal stenosis). However, there is another degenerative condition that can cause pain in the legs called peripheral [..]
The “discovery” of X-rays occurred in 1895 by German physicists Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen. Rontgen did not actually discover x-rays; he identified them. He named them “x-rays” because their exact nature was not yet identified. Much of the world refers to x-rays as “Rontgen Rays.” Rontgen was awarded the first Nobel Prize in physics for his [..]
When it comes to whiplash associated disorders (WAD), injury to the cervical spine is generally the focus, but what about the mid back? Can this area be injured in a whiplash event?
According to the available research, not only can the mid back become injured in an automobile accident, slip and fall, or sports collision, [..]
The shoulder joint is really four joints—glenohumeral, scapulothoracic, acromioclavicular, and sternoclavicular—that all work in a coordinated manner to maneuver the upper arm. The shoulder blade, or the scapula, is an important player in normal shoulder movement because important muscles and related tissues are anchored in this bone. However, an issue with the scapula is easy [..]
In the last decade, the increased use of smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices has resulted in more and more individuals taking on a slumped posture as they spend excessive amounts of time looking down to check email, browse the web, play games, or use social media. This forward head posture can place added strain [..]